Monday, August 27, 2007

Time to pull a Trent

Our list had 8 people on it Friday night, and we've gotten it down to one by this afternoon. Our attendings are not on ER call tonight, so we won't get an admit unless one of their clinic patients shows up in the ER. Our last patient on the list is in the inpatient rehab, and is going home in the morning.

I maybe, just might, be able to pull a trent Shelton tomorrow and have a clean slate list. Wish me luck.

In other news, we went fishing tonight for FHE. It was fun, but we didn't catch anything. The 8 year old girl next to us on the pier caught one though. Nothing beats getting shown up by a small child.


The Shelton Family said...

You can doooooooooo it.
"From the water boy"

The Kalcichs said...

Did it! Left at 1 pm today. This must be how Ken feels.

andersen said...

Feel like takin a trip? I got two extra tickets for the game on Saturday.

Jill and Jeremy said...

Tent, we had our list down to zero. of course it took a code by a GI bleeder in the ICU with a suboptimal outcome to get there.