Saturday, November 8, 2008

passes step 3...barely

i was going to take step 3 a while ago but then i wasn't able to schedule it until recently. i got my score today and could tell by looking at the score that i must have barely passed but didn't realize by how narrow a margin until i read the score report that the minimum passing 2 digit score is a 75 and i got a 78. i would say how glad i am that i can finally forget all my omm but apparently i all ready forgot it. congrats to all of you who seem to be multiplying like crazy. hope residency is going well for you all especially my fellow gas passers. everyday in the OR i am so greatful to not be on the other side of the drapes. are you still out there shane? i think you and i are the only ones left that can go to a restaurant and fit our whole family in one booth.