Sunday, August 12, 2007

96.5 hours

so now I am pissed. I can't believe you are making 8k, Ken! I am definitely jealous, but at the same time happy for you. I just got off a 28 hour shift to cap off a 96.5hour week. I could feel the rage building inside me the last few calls from nurses asking for tylenol for a "fever" of 100.1! My typical day starts at 4:30-5:00 am and ends at around 6:00pm, but I had a couple late nights and just finished weekend call. But I have to admit, I really enjoy cuttin' and sewin'. (not as much cutting yet, only with the bovie, but lots of sewing.) At least next week won't be as bad hours wise. Not many people speak a foreign language around here either, of my senior attendings goes to mexico alot and wants me to teach him spanish. our first lesson was the other day in the doctor's lounge...I asked how he was doing and he said "estoy muy caliente" translated as "I'm really horny" (he was trying to say he was really hot) remember kids...the word for "I'm hot" is "Tengo calor." (unless you just got off a 96.5h week...gotta go)


Glovers said...


I thought tener was to have and ser was to be. So it is I have heat or yo soy calor. I be hot?? Are you leading us astray.

The Kalcichs said...

Don't be flodgin' now, Mr. Senor. What kind of rims you got?

OMS 5 caywood said...

that sounds like a rough week. i think this whole "80 hour work week" is a sham, i have yet to work less than 80 hours in a week. come over to anesthesia rhett and next year you can make 80+ hour work weeks a thing of the past instead of having another 4 more years of them.