Saturday, August 4, 2007

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

July flew by, and I ended up having a good time on General Surgery. Now I'm on Internal Medicine. The attendings are really nice, but rounding for 5 hours... I could do without that. We have some crazy medical students too. One of them takes notes on whatever the interns say. Here I am, a glorified student, and some 3rd year transcribes my every word. Very amusing.

In other news, my program director resigned (or was actually fired, depending on who you talk to). We'll have more news that we can share in the coming months.


andersen said...

Was the guy who got fired the same attending who said "theres a new sheriff in town" if so did you ask him if the sheriff is going out of town. How does this effect the program good or bad?

Fall ball starts today!I read the COUGS play ND in 2010 @ south bend, me and you and the boys in the 2nd greatest stadium in America.How does that sound!

The Kalcichs said...

Yes, it was the "new sheriff" who got canned, after only a month. The new guy might be okay, but we don't know anything about him yet. Will this be a good thing? Probably not. But things are in the works, if you know what I mean...

And yes, we will definitely be going to South Bend in 2010. I'll put in the time off request on Monday.