Wednesday, February 25, 2009


A few quick thoughts:

1. Priceless 360 degree post by Dr. Glover.

2. Looks like I'm going to pursue Vascular Surgery. Love them diabetic feet.

3. I have a lead on a urology spot for any interested individuals. Especially those serving our country in the dangerous battlegrounds of North Dakota.

4. Detroit is a rotting carcass of a city, but pretty fun to train in.

5. Hope Jeremy's hernia is OK. Must be tough falling apart, old man.

6. Ann and I were talking about heading to Hawaii some time next winter (got to moonlight and make some $$$ first). Anyone interested?

7. Also still thinking about going to New Orleans for the BYU/Tulane game this fall.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"360 Evaluations"

Don't know if anybody is still reading but I noticed last week not much traffic. Anyway you all here would appreciate this story the most.

Just finished our 6 month evalutions. Called 360, meaning you get evaluated from all sides. You know the nursing staff, PACU nurses, Cafeteria workers, cleaning staff, and your attendings. So I am reading through my reviews which I must say were all pretty good. My program director and I are laughing about a few things but no problems. I notice she is holding one last evaluation, she said she wanted to save the best for last. It is from a PACU nurse. Apparently I wronged her a few months ago, when I did not comments on her new pattern for her scub top, or forgot to tell her that her new "crocks" were the bomb. I have a sneaking suspicion that the comments relate to the fact that I do not just give her dilaudid at her request and occasionaly ask such silly things as what the urine output is, what the last hemoglobin was, what is the BP, how much dilaudid has the patient recieved?? You know silly, stupid things like that.

Anyway in her evaluation of me it stated that Dr. Glover is "arrogant" and "belitteling". Her spelling. My program director was laughing and asked if I had a response. I told her to tell the nurse she has'nt seen anything yet. And come June 30, 2011 she would be wise to not be in the PACU because I will proceed to open a can of arrogant, the likes of which she has not seen before.

So you Family Practice guys get to open that can a year earlier. Would you please yell at some old overinflated ego of nurse for me. You know kind of like a shout out to all of us still in the treches. If any others have had the sublime opportunity of 360 evaluations please share. Especially Dr. Caywood and Koth.