Friday, June 15, 2007

Jensen's moving story

Since we are sharing moving stories, here is ours. I followed Adam out of Phoenix while he joyfully drove the Penske moving truck. He was living his other dream, not of becoming a physician, but a long haul truck driver! To his dismay our truck broke down between Gallup and Albuquerque! They came out and tried to fix it with no results. So a tow truck towed it to Albuquerque and they paid for us to stay in a hotel, which we were planning on anyway. The next day they couldn't find another truck to transfer our stuff into, so a huge tow truck towed it all the way to Greeley! Adam was pretty disappointed, but we made it there eventually. Everything else has been going alright. Other than buying and returning a piece of junk washer and dryer and having all retired people for neighbors things have been going well. The weather here is gorgeous, and we enjoy all the ag fields and prairie grasses.
We will post some pictures when we recover our camera's USB cable!


Jill and Jeremy said...

Adam I am not sure why you would want to be a trucker. Seems like I remember you drifting all over the road somewhere near Missouri or Illinois.

OMS 5 caywood said...