Saturday, August 4, 2007


So I'm going for a new record, it has never been done before by an intern. I'm on call this weekend and I am trying to get all my pt's discharged from my service. I'm down to two left and I'm trying to pawn them off to medicine. If I can do this I will be put in the intern hall of fame. GOOOOOOOOO Trent


Jill and Jeremy said...

Did you just "go Trent" yourself? I am ready to complain about mys ervice, just has 28 hours on but I have a feeling a lot of you guys have it a lot worse so I will keep it in check. Overall not too bad. Does your picture go on the wall next to the cafeteria lady recognized for her 35 years of service or is it a straight cash reward for intern hall of fame?

The Kalcichs said...

Replying to your comment about 28 hours Jeremy:

28 hours is a lot. I firmly beleive that 24 hours should be the maximum, period. The only exception should be if you are going into the OR or something directly right at the 24 hour time limit. When I have to stay for rounds and stuff after I sign out (hours 24-30), I'm just trying to stay awake. I don't really learn anything, and I'm not very helpful to the patients either.

Stepping off soapbox now...

andersen said...

I agree 24 should be the max. We are not suppose to go over 12 on our program, I try to stick to the rules.
I am on medicine and we are constantly trying to get our service to 0 the most I have had was 6and the least 2, but it is imposible to get to zero as soon as you get close, the pager goes off and "its the ER" or "surgery".
Go TRent!

Adam Jensen said...

I agree with Student Doctor Kalcich. I just finished a 35 hour shift and while rounding this morning it was taking me way too long to write a basic note on my patients. I was on about hour 33 when the intensivist asked me, and how were the patient's cardiac enzymes overnight? I was like, uh, I don't know. I had checked them earlier that morning, but at the time I was too freaking tired to remember I had checked them.
- Adam

Jonathan & Rachel said...

Nice work Trent--do the senior resident's think you're a stud yet? Hope I hear about you in the news: "Gun-hoe intern discharges unstable patients to clear out his service..." Hey, that's what they get for coming to a teaching hosptial.

Jonathan & Rachel said...

About the long shift thing...the longest I've worked so far has been about 16 hours (of course, I haven't been on a busy rotation yet). I'm still used to working the 9 am - 1 pm Lopez Brothers surgery schedule: those were the days. Talking about thyroid disease in the surgery lounge with Jose sleeping and Raul laying on the couch pimping you, but not really caring if you didn't know anything. These 12-hour days are starting to wear on my old bones.

OMS 5 caywood said...

ahh the lopez brothers. i too miss those days jon. i'm starting to think that andersen isn't even in a real residency program. are you sure you aren't just doing another 4th year of medical school in spokane andersen? all the interns are going easy on you because they think you'll get hammered next year when you are an intern. boy do you have them fooled. we have 3 people right now on our service and two people coming in for elective heart caths tomorrow. if those two are the only admissions tonight then all 5 should be discharged tomorrow. i agree with andersen though that i'm sure the ER will have a few surprises for us tonight to ruin our well laid plans. Gooooo Jason! hey trent, if you get your service down to 0 will you make a shirt and a DVD documenting the process and send it to all of us?