Wednesday, August 8, 2007


By the time you finish reading this, some of you may wish you had done emergency here with me instead of your chosen specialties. We have Grand Rounds 1 time a week (Tuesday, for 6 hours). Last week was a particularly gruelling day of . . . golf. Anytime there's a 5th Tuesday in a month, the residency program pays for a fun activity such as golf, paint ball, etc, and that's the lecture series for the week. We got 18 holes, golf clubs, carts, etc, all covered. I hate to admit, it was my first time ever golfing, so you can guess how well I did, but by the end of the day, I actually hit a ball further than 20 yards.

Right now I'm on call for neurosurgery and neurology. Let me show you a picture of how things are going (taken with my new laptop that my program purchased for me):

Granted, last week was a little busier by this time--3 headbleeds (Subarachnoid, subdural, hemorrhagic midbrain), one T8-transsecting gunshot wound, and 2 stroke pts, but I still can't complain too much, especially after hearing some of your stories. So far, knock on wood, nothing today, though I am expecting a Cauda Equina in a few. Oh, yeah, did I mention that this is MOONLIGHTING for me? I'll make somewhere around $600 tonight--my second night of call ever--and hopefully I'll get to sleep for most of it. This Saturday is Shelly's birthday, but she gave me the go-ahead to pick up an extra moonlighting shift and then use some of that money for an even better gift. The Saturday shift, 24 hours, will bring in somehwere around $1400. Not too bad, eh? All told, I should bring in around $8000 this month. Oh, yeah, and my regular schedule is ultrasound for the month. I go in for a couple hours, do a few ultrasounds, then go home for lunch with the kids. After that, sometimes I go back in, sometimes I take the rest of the day off.

Well, that's about it. And "ForePay" (NOT ForePLay--I know you had to read it twice!), fore is for golf, pay is for moonlighting, but I'm sure you've all figured that out by now.


Shelly and Ken said...

Just checking in at the end of the shift. I did end up getting that cauda equina I was expecting, and at about midnight one of our ladies fell and hit her head (not good to try to walk with those compression devices on, it turns out), but other than that, a pretty quiet night, yawn. Nice little rest I got. Oh, I guess we do have that "code black" going on. I heard it called out, thought, "I wonder what that is," then rolled over to go back to sleep. Turns out it's a bomb threat. So, maybe you all ARE happy with where you are now. If you don't hear from me ever again, watch out for code blacks.

Jonathan & Rachel said...

Ummmm...this sounds better than us FP guys are even doing. Sounds like Ken will be sponsoring our reunion and flying us all out to some tropical location with all the extra money he's making.

The Kalcichs said...

I like you Ken, but your post seals it: I officially hate the ER.

(Yes, I am jealous.)

Adam Jensen said...

Ken, when I first read your post, I really wanted to write back telling you that I hated you. But I don't hate you. I just hate the horrendous amount of money that you're making AS AN R1. I don't even know how that's possible. But good for you, and I wish it was me. I could sure use $8,000 in a month. Holy freaking crap.

Jill and Jeremy said...

My question is how can you moonlight as an r1? Sounds like a pretty sweet gig you have going there. My bet would be your program director is using the ER as a front for a drug ring and you are the patsy er intern that will take the fall when an undercover homeless man with ketchup poured on his chest strolls in with a fake stab wound looking for a little "candy". Probably not but I made 20 bucks an hour doing physicals for a bunch of sweaty kids (I like Damon am just jealous).

Glovers said...

If I read the post again, I might go postal on your @##. Just kidding and yes I am jealous.

OMS 5 caywood said...

put me in the jealous category. is that 8,000 plus your regular residency pay or 8,000 total. so, if i understand you correctly you can make almost 100,000 this year if you wanted to. hey ken, do you remember that thousand dollars i lent you, i'm going to have to ask you to pay up now.