Wednesday, February 25, 2009


A few quick thoughts:

1. Priceless 360 degree post by Dr. Glover.

2. Looks like I'm going to pursue Vascular Surgery. Love them diabetic feet.

3. I have a lead on a urology spot for any interested individuals. Especially those serving our country in the dangerous battlegrounds of North Dakota.

4. Detroit is a rotting carcass of a city, but pretty fun to train in.

5. Hope Jeremy's hernia is OK. Must be tough falling apart, old man.

6. Ann and I were talking about heading to Hawaii some time next winter (got to moonlight and make some $$$ first). Anyone interested?

7. Also still thinking about going to New Orleans for the BYU/Tulane game this fall.


Glovers said...

Damon, not only is Detroit a rotting carcass. The entire US is rotting as well. So cheer up.

The Shelton Family said...

I'll take that lead for urology since I have to start applying again soon agggggg. I'm currently in Baltimore at the shock trauma Hospital learning how to save guys who take one for the team. You gotta love the air force.

Adam Jensen said...

We might be down with Hawaii, we'll let you know.

Katie and Steve said...

Any anesthesia people going to the MARC (Midwestern Anesthesia Regional Conference) in Chicago in April? Shane, do you know my sister- Stephanie Alleman- at Mayo?