Friday, April 25, 2008

Passed Step 3

Took 3 days of study of NMS practice questions (about 400 questions), read OMM Review 1 hour the night before, passed w/ a 92. Look out Ohio, I'm getting my license (and moonlighting pays 2 1/2 times what I'm getting now--nice!).


The Kalcichs said...

Congrats on passing.

I took it today. 3 hours 50 minutes. Top that if you can Caywood.

Hey Ken and Steve, I heard through the grapevine that the DO surgery program in Toledo is struggling. Any truth to this? Heard that the allopaths are beating them down.

The Kalcichs said...

Katie, that's a very informative comment. Just kidding. I heard about someone trying to leave that program, that's why I asked.

Katie and Steve said...

There are two accepted each year into the DO surgery program and its kind of funny because they are always trying to defend the program that it is better than it really is. Its small with a lot less the # of cases than what the MD program gets. The two interns for DO surgery this year are not well liked in the hospital- each has been written up by nurses more than the other 17 interns combined.

I haven't heard of anybody trying to leave though. Damon, do you know any names by chance? They are supposed to be getting more staff in the next year and I think they are approved for four residents a year starting next year so I guess things might be improving. They also do not having any FMGs in their program which is an exception to all the other programs here at St. Vincent.

Let me rant a little here. Its crap when you are on a service and your last name is the only one the nurses can pronounce and you are the only person that they can understand your English!! You get paged all the freaking time and get stuck doing most of the freaking crap!! Does anyone else have this problem

Hey Damon, I'm looking forward to crossing state lines into the land of unemployment and foreclosures coming up in June. Its bad in northwest Ohio, but I here its really bad in Michigan. We decided to rent in Ann Arbor.

The Kalcichs said...

Steve, call me sometime 586-693-9611.

Jonathan & Rachel said...

Anyone else taken boards yet, besides Ken and Jason? Is it true: "2 months, 2 days, #2 pencil?" I'm penciled in to take step 3 on May 29th...I've probably only studied about 4 hours so far. How much of OMM is on the test? Should I be worried? I've made it this far being pretty much a slacker, can I continue with my laziness? By the way, I have the entire month of May off (minus three weekend calls) for paternity leave...let's just say...sweet.

The Kalcichs said...

3 weeks paternity leave? Awesome.

I didn't think Step 3 was that bad. Probably 20% of questions had some OMM on them, but they weren't strictly OMM questions.