Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My OB/GYN Vacation

So today is Day #2 of my time on OB. Guess what I did today? Wrote an order for a transvaginal ultrasound. That's it, no notes, no rounding, no sitting in triage. Definitely no deliveries. They occasionally let the off service surgery interns scrub some cases.

It sounds like OB is pretty boring, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Anyways, internship is 75% over. I have OB, ER, and floor Medicine left. Easy-cheesey. This must be what radiology residents feel like every day.


Adam Jensen said...

Holy crap. Sounds like a good rotation, makes me reminiscent of 4th year rotations. I still have two butt-kickers left -- Medicine and OB. I'll round out he year with ortho and should be pretty easy - office and minimal surgery.

OMS 5 caywood said...

sounds like a great month. i'm on in patient medicine at the VA getting my butt kicked daily then i have anesthesia and then finish off with medicine at the VA again. can not wait to get this year overwith and no more medicine months.