Sunday, March 2, 2008

Two items of business

Two items of business on the agenda. First, the big news: I am not sterile. Initial testing is positive (see the picture), with confirmation expected in October.

Second, I will be changing residency programs. As many of you know, I matched at a place that shut down shortly after the match. I was placed at a new hospital, but it just isn't what I'm looking for. I have accepted an offer to be a PGY-2 at a new osteopathic general surgery program here in Detroit. It's at a large, inner city hospital that has trauma and all that good stuff. The most penetrating trauma in Detroit, which is saying something.


OMS 5 caywood said...

congrats on slipping one past the goalie and on getting the new residency spot. at least you don't have to move again. glad everything worked out for you. it looks like maggie and i are going to have to have another kid soon. we are falling behind.

Shyler said...

It's good to know that you don't shoot blanks. Congratulations. Sounds like things worked out for you with the residency program. Be Careful down there in Detroit. later.

Adam Jensen said...

Glad you were able to change to a better program. And congratulations that your boys can swim.
