Saturday, July 14, 2007

going off the grid

i just wanted to say one last good bye to you all before i go off the grid. we are selling our house and going to buy a trailer and i'll pick up odd jobs here and there for money and we will live like vagabons traveling the u.s.a. this is what i feel like doing every morning after rounds. i cannot wait to get this rotation overwith. with three more months of icu medicine ahead of me plus 4 months of medicine still to do plus still two more weeks of this hell, i'm beginning to think the this year is going to suck bad. i too, damon, am enjoying my first day off today. well i guess today i'm post call so tomorrow is my first real day off. i can't wait to go to bed tonight knowing i don't have to wake up the next morning dreading morning rounds. the last two days are the first days of this rotation that i wasn't completly raked over the coals during rounds and i have to say those were the first times i actually enjoyed this rotation. i hear though that the anesthesia attendings are much kinder in the operating room than they are in the icu so that gives me hope. then i'll get to sit back and laugh at the surgery resident getting yelled at by his attending while he holds retractors for a 5 hour case. those days can't come soon enough. oh well i just had to vent a little. hope you all are as miserable as me. misery loves company!

1 comment:

Shyler said...

It sounds like your getting the shaft. I have had a really good experience so far doing ortho peds but I can just see it coming...there easing me in and the, Bang that rake and coals will come out and you know what happens after that. I'll be that sugery resident in the OR that can't hold retractors in the right spots! Hang in there kaywould. You have to make it through (I need a good anesthesiologist in 5 yrs).