Sunday, November 7, 2010

where you all going for jobs

i know at least all you doing anesthesia are in the process of finding a job. where are you interviewing or where have you accepted jobs. no offers yet here. curious about what the rest of you are up to.


Katie and Steve said...

I'm interviewing in Henderson, Nevada and Kingman (hey, my twin sister lives there okay). On a side note, Adam Meier showed up at my door 3 weeks ago, interviewed with Michigan and will start 2012 in their anesthesia program.

OMS 5 caywood said...

a mormon guy from my program took a job in kingman last year. his name is damon reynolds.

Katie and Steve said...

Yep, he's in my twin sister's ward in Kingman. Seems like a really cool guy. My sister's husband started in Kingman in July doing radiology and really likes it there. We're going to be signing with kingman this week.