Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pop goes the weasle

Karie had a baby. Tell your wives. 12/12/07. We made it to the hospital at 3:00 am the baby was out at 3:30 am. No time for the epidural. It was a girl. Amelia. She was in the NICU for the first few hours for an irregular heart beat. But now all is well. Have a Merry Christmas. I get a week off for Christmas, and then go q2 the next week. It is so worth it though. I plan on a lot of skiing.


The Kalcichs said...

Congrats to you and Karie! I'm glad you made it to the hospital, but I'm sure between the two of you, you guys could've handled things alone.

banks said...

Congratulations. What an exciting time. It sounds like all went well. Kami

Glovers said...

Congrats, make sure she has strong femoral pulses though. Our second was like that and they sent us home but she had a coarctation. I am sure all is fine. Have fun, skiing you bum.

The Mathews Family said...

Nice title Trent! lol
Congratulations guys! Wow she came fast! Next time you better be ready to deliver the kid yourself, huh? So happy for your cute little family and a new sweet baby girl!!!!! Annabelle had to stay in the NICU for her hb too.. They did all kinds of tests and called it something like a Pediatric Arythmea or something like that. Good luck.

We're jealous about the skiing... :(

Jonathan & Rachel said...

What GREAT news!! Karie is one tough mom!!! Congratulations!!!

Adam Jensen said...

Congratulations guys. It won't be long and our baby will be here too.

Jill and Jeremy said...

Pop goes the weasel?? All that medical training and that is what you come up with. congrats. When Jill had Caden we just barely got there in time. Jill said she almost preferred it that way even though there wasn't an epidural. I just assume you were checking Karie's dilatory process and didn't head out until she was an 8 or 9. Don't cut it so close next time.